Sharing Ecosystem: Overhauling the experience

Nextdoor · Q3 2023 // product design, Design system · mobile + web

Nextdoor · Q3 2023
product design, Design system · mobile + web




Our Content Creation team pivoted to growth opportunities in H2 2023. One of the major areas we uncovered was the inconsistency of the sharing experience on Nextdoor due to separate share UIs built by different teams for their specific needs. Through an audit of the entire app, I uncovered at least a dozen unique share sheets that had different navigation, layouts, sharing options, and even nested menus.

Core Team

Lead product designer, product manager, engineering manager, 5 engineers


End-to-end design




Sharing is essential for fostering engagement, expanding reach, building communities, and driving meaningful interactions among users. We wanted to build a solid foundation for the share sheet to set user expectations when they go to share and to help them easily share. Users also share because they found something interesting or helpful, so we wanted the sharing experience to also be notable to the user.


Consistency over customization

Contextual and relevant over general and broad




Taking a holistic approach and looking across all features and product areas of the Nextdoor app, I defined a modular framework and design system for the sharing experience. Phase 1 of developing a universal codebase for the share sheet base and rolling it out to all areas of the app was immediately added to the roadmap and fully ramped for stats sig increases to sharing. For Phase 2, senior leadership team was excited for the additional improvements to the experience, such as visual post previews, because of how it elevates the brand and is engaging when shared off-platform via text message and other socials and added to the next quarter's roadmap.

Rebuilding the sharing experience to have a modular framework, consisting of a base + post previews, and scalable to accommodate future use cases
Designed and built in Framer by Jennifer Wong © 2024.
Designed and built in Framer by Jennifer Wong © 2024.